Districts & Schools
The Stanislaus County Office of Education provides quality educational opportunities and support to the 106,973 students in the county. Stanislaus County is comprised of 25 residential, public school districts, some of which are elementary districts (PreK- 6th or PreK-8th) and are within the boundaries of the 10 high school district boundaries.
Each district within Stanislaus County has their own elected governing board and staff superintendent to set the policies, direction, and overall path for student success within their district. SCOE provides both direct & indirect services, which also includes a limited in scope oversight on specific matters. SCOE supports some of the county’s most vulnerable student populations through county-run programs. These services include administrative supports, professional development opportunities for teachers and staff, and supporting students from districts who are in foster care, incarcerated, expelled from their residential district, experiencing homelessness and those students who have severe physical or emotional challenges.
About Local School Districts
Schools, Principals, and Superintendents
oPEN-cLOSE & break summary of aCADEMIC dAYS
Locate my elementary School District, Pre-K-8th (External Link)
Stanislaus County District Boundary Maps
Ceres Unified School District (K-12)
Superintendent: Dr. Amy Peterman
2503 Lawrence Street, Ceres CA, 95307
(209) 556-1500
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.ceres.k12.ca.us
Chatom Union School District (K-6)
Superintendent: Cherise Olvera
7201 Clayton Road, Turlock, CA 95380
(209) 664-8505
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.chatom.k12.ca.us
Denair Unified School District (K-12)
Superintendent: Terry Metzger, Ed. D.
3460 Lester Road, Denair, CA 95316
(209) 632-7514
School District Boundary Map (pdf)
Website: dusd.k12.ca.us
Empire Union School District (K-8)
Superintendent: C.W. Smith
116 North McClure Road, Modesto, CA
(209) 521-2800
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.empire.k12.ca.us
Gratton School District (K-6)
Superintendent: Wendy Williams
4500 South Gratton Road, Denair, CA 95316
(209) 632-0505
School District Boundary Map
Website: https://www.grattonschool.net
Hart-Ransom School District (K-12)
Superintendent: Matthew Shipley
3920 Shoemake Avenue, Modesto, CA 95358
(209) 523-9996
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.hartransom.org
Hickman Community Charter District (K-12)
Superintendent: Trish Anderson
13306 4th Street, Hickman, CA 95323
(209) 874-1816
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.hickmanschools.org
Hughson Unified School District (K-12)
Superintendent: Brenda Smith
7448 Fox Road, Hughson, CA 95326
(209) 883-4428
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.hughsonschool.org
Keyes Union School District (K-12)
Superintendent: Dr. Helio Brasil
4801 Lucinda Avenue, Keyes, CA 95328
(209) 669-2921
School District Boundary Map
Website: keyes.k12.ca.us
Knights Ferry School District (K-6)
Superintendent: Dr. Janet Skulina
12726 Dent St., Knights Ferry, CA 95361
(209) 881-3382
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.knightsferryesd.org
Modesto City Schools District (PreK-12)
Superintendent: Dr. Sara Noguchi
426 Locust Street, Modesto, CA 95351
(209) 574-1500
School District Boundary Map
Website: mcs.4kids.com/district
Newman-Crows Landing Unified School District (K-12)
Superintendent: Justin Pruett
1223 Main Street, Newman, CA 95360
(209) 862-2933
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.nclusd.org/
Oakdale Joint Unified School District (K-12)
Superintendent: Larry Mendonca
168 South 3rd Avenue, Oakdale, CA 95361
(209) 848-4884
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.oakdale.k12.ca.us
Paradise Elementary School District (K-6)
Superintendent: Heath Thomason
3361 California Ave., Modesto, CA 95358 - [Map]
(209) 524-0184
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.paradiseesd.org
Patterson Joint Unified School District (K-12)
Superintendent: Dr. Reyes Gauna
510 Keystone Blvd., Patterson, CA 95363- [Map]
(209) 895-7700
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.patterson.k12.ca.us
Riverbank Unified School District (PreK-12)
Superintendent: Dr. Constantino Aguilar
6715 7th Street, Riverbank, CA 95367 - [Map]
(209) 869-2538
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.riverbank.k12.ca.us
Roberts Ferry School District (K-6)
Superintendent: Bob Loretelli
101 Roberts Ferry Road, Waterford, CA 95386
(209) 874-2331
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.robertsferry.k12.ca.us
Salida Union School District (PreK-8)
Superintendent: Dr. Dante Alvarez
4801 Sisk Road Salida, CA 95368 - [Map]
(209) 545-0339
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.salida.k12.ca.us
Shiloh School District (K-6)
Superintendent: Seth Ehrler
6633 Paradise Road, Modesto, CA 95358-9235
(209) 522-2261
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.shiloh.k12.ca.us
Stanislaus County Office of Education (PreK-Adult)
Superintendent: Scott Kuykendall
1100 H Street, Modesto, CA 95354
(209) 238-1700
Website: www.stancoe.org
Stanislaus Union School District (K-8)
Superintendent: Shannon Sanford
2410 Janna Avenue, Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 529-9546
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.stanunion.k12.ca.us
Sylvan Union School District (K-8)
Superintendent: Didi Peterson
605 Sylvan Avenue, Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 574-5000
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.sylvan.k12.ca.us
Turlock Unified School District (K-12)
Superintendent: David Lattig
1574 East Canal Drive, Turlock, CA 95380
(209) 667-0632
School District Boundary Map (pdf)
Website: www.turlock.k12.ca.us
Valley Home Joint School District (K-6)
Superintendent: Bill Slikker
13231 Pioneer Avenue, Valley Home, CA 95361
(209) 847-0117
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.vhjsd.org
Waterford Unified School District (K-12)
Superintendent: Dr. Jose Aldaco
219 North Reinway Ave, Building, Waterford, CA 95386
(209) 874-1809
School District Boundary Map
Website: www.waterford.k12.ca.us