The Stanislaus County Office of Education’s (SCOE) Communications Department staff received five awards from the California School Public Relations Association (CalSPRA) at the Annual Conference in Sacramento on March 1. CalSPRA, which works to create a climate for better public understanding, commitment, and support of public education, has over 850 members from school districts and county offices across the state.
CalSPRA’s Excellence in Communication awards program recognizes achievement in meeting strategic goals through high-quality communications and public relations programs. SCOE received the following awards for their communications work in print, video, and web-based media:
CalSPRA Awards of Excellence
- What's Brewing in Education? Podcast
- SCOE Website Update
- PHAST Tobacco Slam Training Event Video
CalSPRA Awards of Merit
4. Communications Department 2023-24 Plan
5. “Snapping Turtles,” Every Day Counts Attendance Matters Commercial
SCOE’s communication team includes Judy Boring, Director II, Communications, Micaela Meyer, Communications Specialist, and Richard Stallsmith, Digital & Social Media Technician.