CBK Adult Charter School
The Stanislaus County Office of Education proudly offers a high school program for adults (ages 18 and above) who want to come back to complete their education. If you want to attend college, technical school, or enter the workforce but have found that not having a high school diploma has stopped you...COME BACK to continue earning your high school diploma. It's never too late!
Early Childhood Education
The Child & Family Services Division provides many Early Care & Education Programs. Check out the following information to learn more. Child & Family Services
Need assistance to pay for or looking for childcare. Learn more
Various Video Resources from the Special Education Division at the Stanislaus County Office of Education.
- Self-Care Training
- Maintaining Student Engagement
- Why is My Child Doing That?
- Feeling Overwhelmed Coping Strategies
- Positive Reinforcement System
- Creating a Schedule in Your Home
- Helping Children Cope with Strong Emotions
Self-Care Training
Maintaining Student Engagement
Why is My Child Doing That?
Feeling Overwhelmed Coping Strategies
Positive Reinforcement System
Creating a Schedule in Your Home
Helping Children Cope with Strong Emotions
Education Links and Connections
The following are internet resources for a broad range of needs.
If there is an error, or if you know of a site which you feel may benefit users of this page, please contact the webmaster.
California K12 and Community College Sites
Stanislaus County Schools & School Districts
California County Offices of Education
California Community Colleges/Districts on the Internet
ACSA -- Association of California School Administrators
CalSPRA -- California School Public Relations Association
CASBO -- California Association of School Business Officials
CAEOP -- California Association of Educational Office Professionals
CCSESA -- California County Superintendents Educational Services Association
CSBA -- California School Boards Association
FCMAT -- Fiscal Crisis Management Assistance Team
SSC -- School Services of California, Inc.
STRS -- California State Teachers Retirement System
PERS -- California Public Employees Retirement System