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Stanislaus County Office of Education

Assistive Technology

This site serves as a resource for individuals under the age of 22 in need of Assistive Technology at school, work, home, and in the community. Our team is dedicated to serving students and staff by creating and sharing resources, conducting trainings, completing assessments, consulting with teachers/staff/families, and collaborating with school teams.

Contact Us

1336 Stonum Road
Modesto, CA 95351
(209) 541-2236



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Assistive Technology at SCOE

The SCOE Assistive Technology Team provides Assistive Technology Services for districts in Stanislaus County.  AT plays an important role in equalizing academic and learning challenges often experienced by students with disabilities. Please reach out to us with any questions you have about our services or a specific program or device.

Program Goals

We are committed to expanding our knowledge of Assistive Technology (AT) to all educators across educational settings in an effort to help each student communicate, access curriculum, and make progress towards academic goals. We believe that every teacher can become an “expert” in choosing and implementing appropriate AT tools and strategies that can bridge gaps between students’ performance and capacity.

SCOE Provides

  • Professional development in a variety of formats to train educators, administrators, and families on digital and assistive technologies for communication, access, and academics.
  • Resources to support educators in incorporating technology into all classroom settings, including quick tips, tool/strategy lists, and helpful website links
  • Support for teams to build capacity to appropriately discuss Assistive Technology at IEP meetings
  • Equipment loans for individual trials through our Lending Library 
  • Individualized consultation through our Request for Support. 

What Assistive Technology (AT) Services Does

logos for jobs such as AAC, Assessment, accessibility, training, UDL, and capacity building

SCOE Assistive Technology is excited to announce the opening of our first Assistive Technology (AT) Lending Library! 

Its purpose is twofold:

  1. Provide support to students to increase their access and independence

  2. Provide opportunities for educators, related service providers, and families to become familiar and experienced with current and emerging assistive technology. 

Our AT Lending Library offers a wide range of items ranging from basic low technology to highly advanced systems to support the diverse and unique needs of our students.  With the Lending Library and the support of our experienced AT team, educators and related services providers now have a vast range of resources at their fingertips to experience and explore with their students to help them reach their full potential.  Once you have your item in your classroom, you can use at your own pace and with as many students as you think might benefit.

Frequently Asked Questions

A guy is  showing what his phone can do in great excietment
An woman with VR Goggle that says Welcome to the AT Lending Library. Click Here.


I am looking for

Yellow button with black text and logo. This is a navigation button to Request for Support app.  The logo symbolizes support.
Blue button with white text and logo.  The logo symbolizes a lending library
white background with black text and logo.  The logo symbolizes %22resources%22.


There are no resources or collections to display

river to star icon

Key Contacts

Jared Anderson

Assistive Technology Specialist

Elizabeth Leal

Assistive Technology Specialist

Destiny Ortega

Program Inclusion Assistant

Rebecca Roope-Oliveira

Assistive Technology Specialist

Christopher Yie

Assistive Technology Specialist