Recognition Events
SCOE is pleased to offer county-wide events recognizing students, teachers, and classified staff.
- Employees Making a Difference
- Photos - Employees Making a Difference
- Every Student Succeeding
- Teachers of the Year
- Early Care & Education Employee of the Year
Employees Making a Difference
Photos - Employees Making a Difference
Every Student Succeeding
Teachers of the Year
Early Care & Education Employee of the Year
County-wide Student and Staff Recognition Events
Check out the following information to learn more.
The Early Care and Education Employee of the Year program is designed to pay tribute to the incredible early care and education staff in Stanislaus County. Contact Leah Welch-Jackson 238-6396 or Lisa Cheim 238-6306.
The Stanislaus County Office of Education and the local Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) Region VII partner to honor outstanding classified (non-supervisory) education employees in Stanislaus County.
The Every Student Succeeding program honors students in grades K-12 who have overcome serious challenges, succeeded beyond expectations, or won the hearts of their school staff.
The Teachers of the Year program is designed to pay special tribute to outstanding TK-12 teachers in Stanislaus County, recognize that teachers face many challenges daily in their classrooms and the community, and promote public recognition and respect for the teaching profession.
Teacher of the Year Program Overview
- Introduction
- Nomination Process
- Requirements for Application
- Selection Process
- The Jane Johnston Civility Award
- Honorarium
- Luncheon Reservations
- Event Contact
Nomination Process
Requirements for Application
Selection Process
The Jane Johnston Civility Award
Luncheon Reservations
Event Contact
Early Care & Education Employee of the Year
- Nomination Process
- Educating Children Category
- Developing Professionals & Program Support Category
- Supporting Parents & Families Category
- Honorarium
- Selection Process
- Event Contacts