Career Technical Education
Career Technical Education is a program designed to prepare students for a career. The purpose of Career Technical Education Programs is to provide a wide variety of specialized career education programs to Stanislaus County residents aged 16 and older.
What is Career Technical Education?
Career Technical Education is a program designed to prepare students for a career. The purpose of Career Technical Education Programs is to provide a wide variety of specialized career education programs to Stanislaus County residents aged 16 and older.
High School credit can be earned
Services offered by Career Technical Education include job training, career counseling, and job placement assistance.
Training develops marketable skills, abilities, attitudes, and work habits so students may: secure jobs, upgrade skills, and prepare for advanced careers
CTE Student Events Grades 9-12
October 24, 2024
Modesto Junior College, West Campus Agricultural Center for Education Pavilion
March 29, 2025
John B. Allard School
3113 Mitchell Rd. Ceres
March 13, 2025
Stanislaus County Fairgrounds
900 N. Broadway, Turlock
CTE for Adults
Classes are available Monday - Wednesday
7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Registered Apprenticeships are industry-driven, high-quality career pathways where employers can develop and prepare their future workforce, and individuals can obtain paid work experience, receive progressive wage increases, classroom instruction, and a portable, nationally-recognized credential. Registered Apprenticeships are industry-vetted and approved and validated by the U.S. Department of Labor or a State Apprenticeship Agency.
The Career Inspiration Center is an exciting and innovative program that includes hands-on learning and career pathway awareness opportunities for Stanislaus County 7th-12th graders of partnering school districts, which include Ceres, Denair, Hughson, and Patterson.
The Career Inspiration Center focuses on 4 career pathways which include Technology, Health, Agriculture, and Manufacturing industry sectors. Students from the partnering school districts will be bussed to the Career Inspiration Center @ Teel, and participate in activities throughout the course of the year. Modesto Junior College will be providing after-school seminars in the 4 career pathways, and also offer college credit career guidance opportunities for students. Stanislaus State University will be supporting the program with student facilitator support and additional college awareness and access opportunities for students.
Students who participate in the program will also have access to additional resources and program offerings which may include summer workshops, after-school training opportunities, field trips to businesses, educational programs, internships, industry-recognized certifications, and an end-of-year culminating activity.
The following businesses (post-secondary agencies) will be offering program support and guidance including Gallo, VOLT Institute, Bay Valley Tech, Medical Society, National Ag Science Center, Ag Safe, and First Lady Permanente.
For more information please contact Sanjay Bhan at or (209) 238-6635
Career Inspiration Center at a glance!