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Stanislaus County Office of Education

Language and Literacy


We believe that language and literacy are intricately linked to success in all subject areas. We provide access to high quality learning opportunities based in current research that directly impacts classroom instruction.


We believe that all students are capable of developing the language and literacy necessary to be college and career ready when they have engaging and effective instruction.


Contact Us

1100 H Street
Modesto, CA 95354
(209) 238-1311
(209) 238-4236 Fax



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English Language Development

The Multilingual Learner Network

 What is MLN?

  • Receive timely updates and ask questions about state and federal guidance for meeting the needs of English Learners
  • Learn and share best practices for meeting the academic and social-emotional needs of English Learners
  • Network with other educators working to support the needs of English Learners
  • Engage in the ELD California Roadmap


Download the MLN Flyer


Pictures of Seal recipients and superintendent at ceremony.

The Seal of Biliteracy

The State Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by the State of California in partnership with county offices and local school districts. It recognizes and honors student attainment of proficiency in English and at least one other world language by high school graduation.  Appearing on the transcript of the graduating senior, the State Seal of Biliteracy serves to verify a student’s linguistic proficiencies to potential employers and interested colleges.

Expository Reading and Writing Curriculum (ERWC)

This 24-hour workshop series is intended for English language arts (ELA) and English language development (ELD) teachers teaching grades 9-12 in California public schools. The workshop series introduces the CSU Expository Reading and Writing Curriculum (ERWC), including the following:
  • Full-year ELA courses at grade 11 and grade 12
  • Curriculum modules with integrated and designated ELD at grades 9-12

Learning Opportunities & Upcoming Events

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Key Contacts

Lori Dougherty

Titles: Director I, K-12 Literacy
Phone Numbers:
Work: 209-238-1317

Christopher Eddings

Titles: Project Coordinator, ELA/ELD
Phone Numbers:
Work: 209-238-1305

Brenda Insurriaga Nevarez

Titles: Project Coordinator, ELA/ELD
Phone Numbers:
Work: 209-238-1333

Lori Mariano

Titles: Project Coordinator, ELA/ELD
Phone Numbers:
Work: 209-238-1327

Nancy Swilley

Titles: Event Planning Specialist II
Phone Numbers:
Work: 209-238-1311