This is a searchable database that includes assessments created by organizations such as Achieve, Next Generation Science Assessment, and Stanford NGSS Assessment Project. The author and external link to locate the resource is identified for all included assessment items.
The author and external link to locate the resource is identified for all included assessment items. For a quick review of the type of assessment items included in this database, please read the Assessment Types Definitions document.
The CA NGSS 3D Assessment Implementation Modules website is designed to provide teachers with assessment resources that support high-quality 3-dimensional learning for formative and summative purposes. The website resources for analyzing, modifying and creating assessment items include:
Use the 3D Summative Assessment Process flowchart below to help you navigate the use of each module. The flowchart may have different entry points depending on where you are in the development of your assessment process.
The 3D Summative Assessment Process flowchart illustrates the multiple entry points for using the Assessment Modules, beginning with the Unpacking Module
What do I want to assess?
The Unpacking Module is used to define learning expectations and is the first step for all of the assessment modules.
Can I find usable assessment items online?
The searchable Assessment Database is a collection of NGSS assessment items. Other resources, such as available district assessments, can also be searched.
Is this assessment item really what I need for my classroom?
When an existing assessment item is found, use the Analysis Module to determine if it is a three-dimensional assessment item that meets classroom needs.
How can I modify an item or develop a new assessment?
When an existing assessment item is not found, use the 3D Assessment Development/Modification Module to develop a new 3D assessment item. This tool is also used after an existing assessment item has been examined using the Analysis Module and needs modification.
“The Next Generation Science Standards place significant demands on science learning at every grade level. It will not be feasible to assess all of the performance expectations for a given grade level with any one assessment. Students will need multiple—and varied—assessment opportunities to demonstrate their competence on the performance expectations for a given grade level.
−National Research Council. 2014
The vision for science education is for students to deeply understand the core ideas of science and engineering and how they are applied in the real world. The disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts are the 3 dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and represent the expectations to be achieved by all students. In California, the environmental principles and concepts along with scientific phenomenon play essential roles in contextualizing the NGSS for students. Students demonstrate their deep understanding of the 3 dimensions through performance expectations that are assessed by the teacher. Throughout the school year, formative and summative assessments are important tools for teachers to guide and assist learning in the classroom. A formative assessment serves to provide more immediate feedback to the teacher so he or she can respond to student learning. The goal of a summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of instruction.
Definition of high quality 3-Dimensional Summative Assessment
A high-quality 3D summative assessment provides evidence for the teacher that a student is demonstrating their knowledge and skills of the scientific and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas.
Characteristics of a high-quality 3D summative assessment may include the following components:
multiple components that reflect the connected use of different scientific practices in the context of interconnected disciplinary ideas and crosscutting concepts;
address the progressive nature of learning by providing information about where students fall on a continuum between expected beginning and ending points in a given unit or grade; and
include an interpretive system for evaluating a range of student products that are specific enough to be useful for helping teachers understand the range of student responses and provide tools for helping teachers decide on next steps in instruction.
This tool will help you identify and analyze the specific learning target(s) from a performance expectation, which will then assist you in identifying the CA NGSS alignment of an assessment item.
This process will deepen your understanding of the three-dimensional learning expectations of students that will be reflected in an assessment.
This process will provide an opportunity to search the Assessment Database within the NGSS 3D Assessment Implementation Modules website for possible assessments that match identified learning target(s).
CAPMSE NGSS 3D Assessment Unpacking the Performance Expectations Module
This tool will help you identify and analyze the specific learning target(s) from a performance expectation, which will then assist you in identifying the CA NGSS alignment of an assessment item.
This process will deepen your understanding of the three dimensional learning expectations of students that will be reflected in an assessment.
This process will provide an opportunity to search the database within the NGSS 3D Assessment Implementation Tool website for possible assessments that match identified learning target(s).
Instructions for completing the Analysis Tool and Table, which is done when you wish to analyze an existing assessment item to determine if it is a 3-dimensional NGSS assessment: CAPMSE NGSS 3D Assessment Analysis Tool
This tool will help you develop a new 3-dimensional assessment using identified learning expectations from the 3D Assessment Unpacking the Performance Expectation(s) Tool or modify existing assessment items that need revisions.
This process will deepen your understanding of the anticipated student learning expectations.
Instructions for developing a new assessment or revising an assessment that has been analyzed and needs modifications in order to be a 3-dimensional NGSS assessment: CAPMSE NGSS 3D Assessment Development/Modification Tool
To learn more about the authors and the organizations that created the performance tasks included in the Database, please visit their website linked below.