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Stanislaus County Office of Education

SCOE's Seal of Biliteracy

Pictures of Seal recipients and superintendent at ceremony.

The Stanislaus County Seal of Biliteracy is an earned merit-based award given by the Stanislaus County Office of Education in partnership with the State of California and local school districts. It recognizes and honors student attainment of proficiency in English and at least one other world language by high school graduation.  Appearing on the transcript of the graduating senior, the Stanislaus Seal of Biliteracy serves to verify a student’s linguistic proficiencies to potential employers and interested colleges.

The Seal of Biliteracy is Intended to:
  • Recognize students who have acquired proficiency in English and additional language(s)
  • Emphasize the value of knowing many languages
  • Contribute to global understanding
  • Encourage the learning of all languages
What are the benefits of the Seal of Biliteracy?
  • Assurance of a marketable skill
  • Connection of community efforts to teach language(s) and culture(s)
  • Transcript notation
  • Recognition of the award at graduation ceremonies (based on district policy)
Colorful hands raised with the word "volunteer."


Contact Us

1100 H Street
Modesto, CA 95354
(209) 238-1301



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Raindrops on colorful background with "An overview of the program" title.

The Stanislaus Seal of Biliteracy is a merit-based award that students earn by meeting specific program requirements and proficiency standards.

Colorful books with "Links & Resources" title.

Students are responsible for proactively researching, understanding, and successfully completing all the program steps and proficiency requirements to earn the Stanislaus County Seal of Biliteracy award.

Colorful hands raised with the word "volunteer."

Sign up to interview students!

Help us interview students in English and world languages, to determine their proficiency in that language.  Volunteer assessors should be proficient in English and the target language. All assessors are trained before being supplied a list of questions designed to elicit extended responses and a rubric.  After engaging students in an approximately 15-20 minutes conversation per language, assessors score students' language proficiency using that rubric. 
No other expertise is required!

Colorful banner with questions and answers words.




"One of the many assets of the Central Valley of California is the diversity of its population.  Many of our citizens and neighbors represent international cultures and speak a variety of languages.  The Stanislaus County Office of Education applauds students with mastery in multiple languages. 

The State Seal of Biliteracy recognizes those students who have developed proficiency in English and at least one other world language.  This proficiency enhances a student's education and value in the marketplace.  Our economy is tied to that of other nations, and Californians who can participate across international borders bring strength and potential to this State's global enterprises."

Colorful pencils with "Participating High Schools" title.


river to star icon

Key Contacts

Elvira Ruiz

Titles: Program Specialist
Phone Numbers:
Work: 209-238-1301

Brenda Insurriaga Nevarez

Titles: Project Coordinator, ELA/ELD
Phone Numbers:
Work: 209-238-1333

Lori Dougherty

Titles: Director I, K-12 Literacy
Phone Numbers:
Work: 209-238-1317