Integrated Data Systems and Solutions
Our focus is on data warehousing and analytics, information that we use to help provide powerful statistics to districts, schools, and teachers just like yours! This information allows each level to make informed decisions based on up-to-date data about students, from attendance through assessments. Having current information means it is easier to track what may or may not be working across a variety of areas, with highly customizable views, improving education everywhere. Feel free to reach out for any resource assistance or questions about customization potential.
"The difference between a guess and a decision is information." - Rex Tschetter
Team Goal
The Integrated Data Systems and Solutions Team will implement and develop the use of data dashboards to increase the impact of student instruction and programs that support teaching and learning.
Contact Us
Stanislaus County Office of Education
1100 H Street
Modesto, CA 95354
What's Brewing in Education presents: Stanislaus STATS
In this episode of What's Brewing in Education, Superintendent Scott Kuykendall interviews Rex Tschetter, Director of the Stanislaus STATS project and talks about the incredible power and capabilities of this data initiative, and how it can help improve education across the county.
Dashboard Card Samples
Onboarded Districts
Partnered Districts
Phase I
Chatom Union School District
Hughson Unified School District
Keyes Union School District
SCOE Alternative Education
SCOE Special Education
Waterford Unified School District
Phase II
Knights Ferry Elementary School District
Paradise Elementary School District
Roberts Ferry Union School District
Shiloh Elementary School District
Valley Home Joint School District
Phase III
Empire Union School District
Newman-Crows Landing Unified School District
Patterson Unified School District
Riverbank Unified School District
Salida Union School District
Stanislaus Union School District
Sylvan Union School District
Looking for more assistance?
Click on the button below to access our User Support section. It contains a library of documents and video tutorials to help users of any level. It also contains a calendar of our upcoming meetings where we'd love to meet with you and help answer any questions that you may have.
Rex Tschetter
Title: Director II, School & District Support
Phone Numbers:
Office: 209-238-1461
Teresa Ventura
Title: Project Data & Information Analyst
Phone Numbers:
Office: 209-238-1463
John Campbell
Title: Applications Support Specialist
Phone Numbers:
Office: 209-238-1464