Teacher Induction
Induction Application Period for 24-45 is closed. It will re-open July 1, 2025.
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) issues a preliminary credential that requires its holder to complete an approved induction program. The Stanislaus County Induction Programs Director will recommend a candidate for his or her clear credential upon successful completion of the program requirements. The Stanislaus County Induction Program is designed such that a candidate may complete the requirements in the first two years of teaching under the preliminary credential.
Induction Requirements for the Candidate
Candidates participate in a two-year, individualized, job embedded system of mentoring, support and professional learning that begins in the candidate’s first year of teaching. Each candidate will be evaluated on competence and growth towards mastery of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP). The candidate is required to work collaboratively with an assigned mentor in order to complete all requirements. Early Completion Option for “experienced and exceptional” candidates who meet the program’s established criteria is available.
- 3 two-hour and 1 one-hour events (Inquiry 1, Progress Check, Inquiry 2 and Finale) to revisit the various cycles of inquiry (reflecting, reviewing, revising and drafting)
- 1 hour per week support of the candidate by the mentor (outside of induction events)
- 2 observations (minimum) – 1 observation of candidate by mentor and 1 observation of another educator by the candidate
- At least 1 triad conversation (mentor, administrator and candidate) before the first Induction event. More triad conversations may be needed to garner the input on the various inquiry cycles.
- Complete required electronic portfolio.
The SCOE Induction Program reserves the right to conduct a formal observation of any candidate if deemed necessary.
Program Completion Requirements
- Successful completion of course requirements (events and ILP/portfolio completion)
- Submit 41-4/CTC application form to SCOE for recommendation
- Provide proof of meeting any additional requirements listed on prelim credential
- Payment in full for induction tuition
Who is eligible to be a candidate in SCOE Teacher Induction?
You must possess, or be in the process of applying for, one or more of the following:
- a current California Preliminary Multiple Subject credential
- a current California Preliminary Single Subject credential
- a current California Preliminary Education Specialist credential
- a current California Level I Education Specialist credential
Also, you must be currently employed as a teacher under the credential you are trying to clear.
Leave of Absence Form
Sometimes life happens in the middle of your Induction experience. If you will need to pause, or stop, your Induction experience within the year because of these circumstances, please follow these steps:
Complete the Leave of Absence form
Induction Leadership will contact you to finalize your leave paperwork.
More to Explore
- The Promise of Confidentiality
- Units (Professional Development Units via CSUS)
- Additional Credential Renewal Requirements
- North Valley Collaborative (NVC)
- Early Completion Option
- Grievances and Appeals
- Professional Development Opportunities
The Promise of Confidentiality
Units (Professional Development Units via CSUS)
Additional Credential Renewal Requirements
North Valley Collaborative (NVC)
Early Completion Option
Grievances and Appeals
Professional Development Opportunities
- I will not be returning to SCOE Induction this year. What do I need to do?
- I will be completing Year 2 with another Induction program. What do I do?
- I received a letter of Non Re-Election. Now what do I do?
- I received a Reduction In Force (RIF/Pink) slip. Now what do I do?