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Stanislaus County Office of Education

Private/Home School

In the fall of 2002, the California Department of Education began using an online process for filing Private School Affidavits at more information, please call 916.319.0373.

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Private School/Home Schooling Affidavits

There are three options available to parents who want to provide a setting other than a public school classroom: 

Private Schools

Children who are instructed in a private, full-time day school are exempt from public school attendance (Education Code Section 48222).  Private schools must offer instruction in several branches of study required in the state's public schools:

  • 4Course of study for grades one through six--English, mathematics, social science, science, fine arts, health, and physical education (Education Code Section 51210).
  • 4Course of study for grades seven through twelve--same as above plus foreign language, applied arts, vocational education, and driver education (Education Code Section 51220).


Tutoring is a statutory exemption from the compulsory public school attendance law (Education Code sections 48200 and 48224).  The tutor (who may be any person, including a parent/guardian) must have a valid teaching credential for the grade level being taught, and instruction must be in the branches of study required in public schools. Tutoring must be provided for at least three hours per day for a least 175 days per year.


Independent Study

Independent study is an alternative to classroom instruction consistent with a school district's course of study and is not an alternative curriculum.  It provides individual students with a choice of ways to acquire the values, skills, and knowledge all students should gain as verified in a written agreement.  Independent study can be part of, be separate from, or be in addition to a regular classroom program.



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